Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Writing. [Resolution 2]

Yeah....so, it's almost 2012 (insert bad cliche about time flying here). This is the second post in a series on New Years Resolutions; mine, and others.

Time for resolution number two! I've had this here little blog for 16 months, and it's time I start acting like it! Other than my (unbelievable, cheated) month with NaBloPoMo, I haven't been the most consistent writer.

I don't mean to ignore you. I have the best of intentions, really. But when I open the Blogger window, then I open another window and pretty soon I've been Pinning for two hours and my blog post isn't done. Or, like what just happened now, I opened Facebook and debated about a new cover photo for my timeline for 30 minutes. I'm sorry. In 2012, I vow to write more. Here, and otherwise!

For now, it's a good thing that people like Shannon (AKA @BrassyLibrarian) are around to keep me writing. Shannon and I met out of a mutual fear of attending the PodCamp mixer (along with Carrie and Lauri) alone. We had an enjoyable time at #pcpgh6 and I've loved reading her blog, A Librarian's Lists and Letters ever since! Seriously, read her stuff because it's great.

Anyways, I was thrilled when Shannon asked for guest posters. I've been thinking for awhile about the characters that I've seen nearly every day on my walk to work. What better way to express myself than through an open letter? It's mostly a list of gratitude.

Check it out over at A Librarian's Lists and Letters!

1 comment:

  1. So glad you decided to guest blog, Maggie! Looking forward to reading more from you in 2012.
