Seriously, my house is huge. Three stories, 8 bedrooms, 2.5 baths. No wonder 8 women can live together in one place; we don't have to interact with each other if we don't want to!
But of course we do. I've really enjoyed getting to know everyone in the house. We're past the point where we're just housemates and actually becoming friends, learning each others' idiosyncrasies and strengths, and weaknesses too. We're coming to find that we have more in common than just being in PULSE or liking the same music...we have similar views on issues, but we can have healthy debates concerning issues on which we don't exactly see eye to eye. I just keep seeing how blessed I am to be at the PULSE house this year.
Another cool component of PULSE is our seminars. Last week, Francois from the CCO (I tell you, it's all around me!) came and began teaching us about core communications and how to talk about something, and come to a decision or a "next step". It was eye-opening. This week we're going deeper into goal-setting; we started discussing it at seminar in the first week and we're going to have a check-in and then go to a Pirates' game! Another chance for the girls to see a BEAUTIFUL view of Pittsburgh, and for me to go somewhere I haven't been for a few years. I'm not sure what I'll wear, though...can't break my own rule about wearing other Pittsburgh teams' jerseys to a sporting event!
Speaking of sporting events, though, Anna and I went to see the Pens practice at Consol Energy Center on Sunday! It was beautiful. I think Anna thought I was crazy, though. I was so giddy with excitement! It'd been a few years since I went to a game and seeing the new arena was just awesome.
We also get mentors through PULSE...I get to meet mine, Amy from the CCO (see? ALL around me :P), on Friday. We don't have real guidelines for this other than to share in our lives together. I think it's going to be a great experience for me, and for the other girls as well. We've been linked up with some truly remarkable people and I think God is going to use them to play a cool role in our lives this year.
I'm beginning to really like the church I attend, Open Door. It's certainly not like a church I've been to before in many respects, but reminds me of past churches in other ways, too. I think it's right where I need to be for the moment; I was really challenged and uplifted by the worship gathering on Sunday and the week before. I'm going to try out other churches but the best part about this church is, I can try other services in the morning and still head to Open Door in the evening. It's kind of keeping me in my Upper Room "routine" of worship services twice on Sundays.
Thanks for your continued prayer--I'd just ask that you remember my housemates and I as work becomes less orientation and more actual work. I'd also ask that you pray for me and the goals I have set for the year, both personal and private. I'm so thankful for this year and for all of your support, through comments, emails, Facebook messages and prayer. It's amazing!
oops...that comment was supposta go here.